Turkey Berry Papad | भंकटिया | కొట్టువస్తు | ചുണ്ടങ്ക | சுண்டைக்காய் வத்தல்

(04 Reviews) Q&A By: Shivanya Mart

Turkey berries | Sundakai Vathal Turkey berries boost the body's immunity from common ailments like cold, cough and the flu. They also help lower blood pressure, keep cardiovascular diseases away, and can help kidney function. Treats Cold

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  • Turkey berries | Sundakai Vathal
  • Turkey berries boost the body's immunity from common ailments like cold, cough and the flu. They also help lower blood pressure, keep cardiovascular diseases away, and can help kidney function.
  • Treats Cold
  • It helps improves brain function
  • It helps reduce weight
  • Regulate Menstruation
  • Turkey Berry Papad | भंकटिया | కొట్టువస్తు | ചുണ്ടങ്ക | சுண்டைக்காய் வத்தல்


Turkey Berry (Sundaikkai/Sundakkai) is a common and easily available vegetable used in day to day life in cooking curries (Kulambu/Kuzhambu).  The botanical name for turkey berry is Solanum Torvum. “Turkey berry” is the name of Sundakkai in English. Turkey Berry plant actually has the outer skin inside of which lies the pea aubergine seeds or so-called pea eggplant seeds. Turkey berry is widely used in India and Turkey Berry is called by different names like the prickly nightshade, shoo-shoo bush, wild eggplant, makhuea phuang, pea eggplant, boo, terongan, tekokak,  pea aubergine, berenjena cimarrona, berenjena de gallina, berenjena silvestre, tabacón, pendejera, tomatillo, susumber, batard balengene, riega-platos, kudanekayi, sundaikkai, thibbatu,  suzume nasu, jurubeba, zamorette, thai eggplant and many other names. Turkey berry in Tamil is called as  “Sundakkai” or “Chundakkai” .

Well to be noted that the fruit is consumed mostly in Tamil Nadu where it is named as Sundaikkai. In this post, you will be finding the Procedures to eat Turkey berry seeds or Sundakkai orPea Eggplant,  health benefits of turkey berry (sundakkai health benefits),  procedure to make Sundakkai Vathal or Dried Turkey berry, sundakkai kulambu, sundakkai vathal kuzhambu, Medicinal properties of Turkey berry or Sundakkai,
For 100 Gram of serving Nutrition info:
78% 7g. Carbs.
0% — Fat.
22% 2g. Protein.
Turkey Berry Health Benefits/Medicinal Properties Of Turkey Berry Plant Or Sundakkai Or Solanum Torvum:
1.    Healing and prevention of colds and flu:
Turkey berry helps in healing and prevention of cold &flu. Turkey berries can be used to prepare soup and when consumed helps to overcome cold and flu effects quickly.
2.    Treatment and Prevention of Kidney disease:
Turkey berry helps in treating kidney disease by reversing tubular necrosis and glomerular congestion thus making it important for treating kidney disease.
3.    Treats Anaemia:
Turkey berry is a full source of iron which is extremely beneficial for treating anaemia. Regular consumption of Turkey berry would help in treating anaemia by increasing the red blood cell production.
4.    Protection from cardiovascular diseases:
Turkey berry contains antioxidants like flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, torvosides, tannins, alkaloids, cholorogenome, etc. Thus, pea eggplant (Sundakkai) helps to prevent strokes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
5.    Treat phlegm and mucus:
You can dry the turkey berries, powder them and consume to dry up the mucus, get rid of asthma, lung, inflammation, cough etc. So, include turkey berry seeds in regular routine diet and say bye-bye to phlegm and mucus.
6.    Treatment of diabetes:
When blood sugar level is too high, it becomes a life-threatening condition which is commonly known as diabetes.  Dried berry leaves & turkey berry help to control diabetes. It is said to have properties that help in maintaining and regulating the blood sugar level. Therefore, regular consumption can help to lower the diabetes level.
7.    Indigestion and Diarrhea:
Turkey berries can neutralize the stomach acid making them significant for healing gastric ulcers. Regular consumption of turkey berries or turkey berry seeds can help in treating diarrhea, indigestion, stomach aches and other related problems.
8.    Prevention from Cancer:
Turkey berries have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that can stop the excessive cell growth thus making it significant for cancer. The extracts of turkey berry(Sundakkai) are helpfulin protection against lung cancer.
9.    Prevention from intestinal worms:
Regular intake of these berries helps to prevent the development of intestinal worms.
10.    Aids in regular menstruation:
Regular consumption of this berry helps in aiding regular menstrual periods. Include turkey berries to your regular diet to solve all kinds of menstrual issues.
11.    Helps to ease pains, redness and gout:
Uric acid is the reason behind pain, redness and symptoms of gout. These berries help to flush out uric acid thus helps to reduce pain, redness and symptoms of gout. Well berry leaves are good source for natural steroids called soasoline and inflammatory agents that are great for arthritis, lower back pain and swelling.


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Turkey Berry Papad , भंकटिया , కొట్టువస్తు , ചുണ്ടങ്ക , சுண்டைக்காய் வத்தல்

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